Chapter 15
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“Your nose is well enough,” said Marilla shortly. Secretly she thought Anne’s nose was a remarkable pretty one; but she had no intention of telling her so.
That was three weeks ago and all had gone smoothly so far. And now (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)this crisp September morning,(end superscript) Anne and Diana were tripping blithely down the Birch Path, two of the happiest little girls in Avonlea.
“I guess Gilbert Blithe will be in school to-day,” said Diana. “He’s been visiting his cousins over in New Brunswick all summer and he only came home Saturday night. He’s awfull aw’fly handsome, Anne. And he teases the girls something aw terrible. He just torments our lives out.”
“Gilbert Blythe” Diana’s voice inde (begin superscript)indicated(end superscript) that she rather liked having her life tormented out than not.
“Gilbert Blythe?” said Anne. “Isn’t it
"Blithe": Montgomery misspells Gilbert Blythe this first time, perhaps she was writing this chapter quickly and was urged to the misspelling because she had written "blithely" just two lines above?
"New Brunswick": Province to the west of P.E.I.