Chapter 14
morning. Matthew was confounded + puzzled; he could not so quickly lose faith in Anne but he had to admit that circumstances were against her.
“You’re sure it hasn’t fell down behind the bureau?” was the only suggestion he could offer.
“I’ve moved the bureau and I’ve taken out the drawers and I’ve looked in every crack and cranny,” said Marilla was Marilla’s positive answer. “The brooch is gone and that child has taken it and lied about it.(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough) That is the plain, ugly truth, Matthew Cuthbert, and we might as well look it in the face.”
“Well, now, what are you going to do about it?” Matthew asked (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)forlornly,(end superscript) feeling secretly thankful that Marilla and not he had to deal with the situation. He felt no desire to put his oar in this time.
“She’ll stay in her room until she confesses,” said Marilla grimly, rememb-

"behind the bureau": Marilla's room at Green Gables Heritage House; the bureau is on the right.
Parks Canada